Julianne sitting on a log in Zaanse Shanz, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Hey! I’m Julianne.

I’m just a girl that studied abroad in Spain and now helps you discover unique experiences worldwide.

Click on my “Store” to check out my E-Book “The Ultimate Guide to Studying Abroad in Spain”. and learn everything I wish I would have known before spending a year in Madrid.



Let me guide you through unforgettable journeys like how to study abroad in Spain as an exchange student.


Curated Itineraries

Get my hidden gems of Madrid guide or the itinerary for any of my other carefully curated explorations.

Who am I Anyway?

To those of you coming here from social media, I’m a virtual compass for adventurous people seeking unique travel experiences and hidden gems around the world. To my friends, I’m a spontaneous, driven, and hard-headed college student hell-bent on traveling as much as possible. I have taken a car-camping road trip alone up the east coast of the U.S., I’ve spent 3 months studying in Southeast Asia, and a year studying in Spain. In between these grand adventures I have been posting on my Instagram, inspiring people to get outside their comfort zones and travel to unfamiliar places. Now my mission is to help as many people as I can experience those same incredible opportunities for themselves!

If you are curious to learn more, check out my Youtube or head over to my Instagram profile!

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